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QR Code ErrorUpdated 10 days ago

We recommend scanning and registering your Take Back Bag before adding your items since some smartphones have a hard time scanning QR codes that are not flat. Be sure there is adequate light when scanning your QR code.

TrashieCash is credited to the email you use to register your bag. While you can use any email to register your Take Back Bag, using the email you used to purchase your Take Back Bag will allow us to pre-populate your address information and trace your bag and sustainability impact. 

Once you've completed your registration, you'll be presented with a USPS Label Broker QR code and a Print Label link to access the shipping label PDF. You can present the USPS Label Broker QR code at the post office to ship your bag without having to print out the shipping label yourself. The USPS Label Broker QR Code expires within 4 weeks. After that, you can print out the shipping label yourself to ship your items back to our recycling facility. 

If you are still having trouble, please reach out to our team at [email protected] to assist you with this. Be sure to provide a clear, flat photo of the QR Code printed on the outside of your Take Back Bag to better help us troubleshoot. If there is a Bag ID, URL, and/or PIN next to the QR code, please ensure that those details are legible in your photo.

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