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How do I ship my full Take Back Bag to you?Updated 3 months ago

Scan the QR code on your bag for shipping instructions. The easiest option is to drop off your Take Back Bag at a Happy Returns location. Alternatively, you can print a mailing label for UPS.

Happy Returns Process:

  1. Scan and Register Your Bag: You can scan the QR code on your Take Back Bag, log in, and enter your address to register the bag.
  2. Choose Your Shipping Method: Happy Returns (QR Code only) or a printed UPS label.
  3. Find the Closest Location: Happy Returns will display the nearest UPS Store return bar locations based on your address (more locations coming soon).
  4. QR Code Generation: A QR code will be generated and sent to your email for you to use when dropping off your bag at any UPS Happy Returns return bar location. No return label required.
  5. Drop Off: At the UPS Happy Returns return bar, your QR code will be scanned to complete the drop-off.

That’s it! The process is quick, easy, and hassle-free.

Just a reminder, we now have TWO return options:

  1. Happy Returns – Drop off your Take Back Bag at a UPS Store (with more locations coming soon).
  2. UPS Printed Label – Print a label and drop off at any UPS location.

**The QR code on your bag and the shipping QR code are different**

***Once you select a drop-off option, it cannot be changed or undone.***

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