How do I ship my full Take Back Bag to you?Updated 3 months ago
Scan the QR code on your bag for shipping instructions. The easiest option is to drop off your Take Back Bag at a Happy Returns location. Alternatively, you can print a mailing label for UPS.
Happy Returns Process:
- Scan and Register Your Bag: You can scan the QR code on your Take Back Bag, log in, and enter your address to register the bag.
- Choose Your Shipping Method: Happy Returns (QR Code only) or a printed UPS label.
- Find the Closest Location: Happy Returns will display the nearest UPS Store return bar locations based on your address (more locations coming soon).
- QR Code Generation: A QR code will be generated and sent to your email for you to use when dropping off your bag at any UPS Happy Returns return bar location. No return label required.
- Drop Off: At the UPS Happy Returns return bar, your QR code will be scanned to complete the drop-off.
That’s it! The process is quick, easy, and hassle-free.
Just a reminder, we now have TWO return options:
- Happy Returns – Drop off your Take Back Bag at a UPS Store (with more locations coming soon).
- UPS Printed Label – Print a label and drop off at any UPS location.
**The QR code on your bag and the shipping QR code are different**
***Once you select a drop-off option, it cannot be changed or undone.***